Windows 10 Bubbles Screensaver

No doubt whatsoever a lot of you have spent quite a lot of time looking for an animated screensaver that, firstly, you would never grow tired of and, secondly, would not affect the performance of your computer too much. We offer you this very option meeting these two contradicting requirements.

You cannot say that the Free Bubbles 3D is a masterpiece of 3D graphics but it was not the goal of its developers in the first place. However, you can rest assured that the authors of this amusing app have carried out quite a bunch of experiments, studied many characteristics of the program, including ergonomics, impacts on the human mind, required computer resources. As a result, they have come up with a popular free screensaver for Windows that appeals to practically all categories of users: grannies and schoolchildren, businesspersons and students, skeptics and optimists.

Windows 10 Bubbles Screensaver Download

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  • Step 3 – By default Windows give you six screensaver options such as 3D Text, Blank, Bubbles, Mystify, Photos, Ribbons. You need to choose the one from the drop-down menu. The 3D text screensaver option gives you the option to customize text and many other settings.
  • Open a Command Prompt as Administrator. Run this command to clear the current screensaver. Reg delete 'HKEYCURRENTUSER Control Panel Desktop' /v SCRNSAVE.EXE /f. Run this command to set your desired screensaver: reg add 'HKEYCURRENTUSER Control Panel Desktop' /v SCRNSAVE.EXE /t REGSZ /d C: Windows system32 Bubbles.scr /f.
Windows 10 Bubbles Screensaver

Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Bubbles' Wallpapers. Used reset to get my screensaver back to normal, but that didn't help. The screen get's full with bubbles and then all motion stops. So I had to use WinBubbles to get my screensaver acting normal again. Final verdict: System Screensavers Tweaker looks nice, but in fact it can really mess up your screensavers functionality. I'll stick to WinBubbles.

Windows 10 Bubbles Screensaver

How To Get Bubbles Screensaver On Windows 10

Quite simple conceptually yet magnificent in its implementation, the Free Bubbles 3D screensaver reminds a lot of users of a whole generation of games where you have to deal with heaps of moving soap bubbles threatening to fill the playing field. In this case, such analogies are not quite appropriate: our bubbles are not aggressive at all and their intricate trajectories do not threaten anything or anybody. More likely, otherwise - they inspire the desire to watch their movements in amazement. At the same time, the settings of the screensaver allow you to choose such options as the number and size of bubbles as well as the speed they move at. And, of course, you can set the background which can be practically any image file.

Windows 10 Bubbles Screensavers

Free Bubbles 3D is a cool screen saver that guarantees a soothing effect and turns an aggressive and annoyed user into a person for whom any problems become simple and easily solved. You are welcome to see it for yourself!

Windows 10 Bubbles Screensaver Background